Curlew Recovery Partnership Blog
Curlew Recovery Partnership Blog
Curlew Recovery Partnership Blog
Curlew Recovery Partnership Blog
Curlew Recovery Partnership Blog
Survey and Monitoring Resources
If you would like to get involved in Curlew survey and monitoring, whatever your experience level, then we have a range of survey and monitoring resources and supporting information to help you get started.
For those looking to engage in quick and easy survey and monitoring of breeding Curlews and other waders, especially farmers, landowners and those looking to try wader fieldwork for the first time, please see the BTO Wader Calendar here.
For those looking to engage in fieldwork specifically on breeding Curlews, please see the Curlew Fieldworker Toolkit (Part 1) below.
For those looking to engage in more technical fieldwork at or around Curlew nests, please request the Curlew Fieldworker Toolkit (Part 2) as outlined below.
If you would like to access additional international guidance from AEWA for Curlew survey and monitoring, please click here.
For anyone interested in understanding more about breeding Curlews, particularly their vocalisations and behaviour, please click here for an excellent Curlew Observation Training Film produced by our partners at Curlew Country.
Finally, please visit the About Curlews page for background information on Curlews and links to useful resources produced by our partners and other conservation organisations.
Curlew Fieldworker Toolkit
The Curlew Fieldworker Toolkit is an essential resource for anyone starting or engaging in Curlew fieldwork. Although originally designed by the Curlew Recovery Partnership for fieldworkers operating in lowland England, the Toolkit also contains useful tips and info for Curlew fieldworkers elsewhere in the UK. The Toolkit comprises 15 handy factsheets that represent many thousands of hours of fieldwork by a large number of Curlew researchers and enthusiasts. Note that this is only a first edition, and we anticipate that a second edition of the Toolkit containing relevant updates and additional sections on survey and monitoring methods will be made available in time for the 2022 breeding season.
The first six factsheets (Part 1) are available to download now by clicking the titles below.
The remaining nine factsheets listed below (Part 2) relate to work at or around the nest - they are available upon request, but will need to be accompanied by a short statement outlining the location where you are conducting fieldwork, the project you are supporting (if applicable), and the name of a recognised authority who can support your statement (e.g. a Curlew researcher, wader group co-ordinator or licensed BTO ringer). Note that you will be responsible for securing the necessary permits and permissions to conduct the planned fieldwork. Please Contact Us for further info.
Nest Finding using Field Observation
Nest Finding using Rope Dragging
Processing an Active Nest
Processing an Empty Nest
Estimating Hatching Date
Temperature Loggers
Nest Cameras
Nest Fencing
Radio-tracking Curlew Chicks